Are you a swatter or a dancer?

Upon recalling the events from this weekend, I have decided to take on a new philosophy of life. Today at the market, there was a gypsy band playing fabulous music near the cafe at which I was drinking coffee. During their performance, a woman from the crowd moved closer to the band to start dancing to the music. She wasn't a part of the group, just a spectator moved by what she heard. She happened to be right in front of a bed of flowers being sold for the market and when she danced she would accidentally bump up against the flowers. Before long, an elderly woman (presumably the grower/seller of the flowers) started swatting her with one of the flags from the flower bed so she would stop dancing near her flowers. It was then I decided that in life, I could either be a swatter or a dancer. I could live life taking great care into what I was producing, focusing on the future (the future sale, the outcome of the situation) and probably get what I expected out of life, or I could be moved by what I felt, planned or unplanned, and occasionally bump up against some flowers.
Okay, so it's kind of a stretch. But I'm asking you to ask yourself: Today, am I going to swat? Or today, am I going to dance?
You should be the new Carrie for a new Sex and the City show. For real, you sound like her. Miss you bunches!!!
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