Sunday, June 08, 2008


Well, here is a new topic for this blog: politics. Even though I've been overseas I have still, at least for the last 7 months, tried as best I can to stay up to date on the upcoming election. At least in my lifetime, never before has it been so crucial that we elect the right president. Living abroad has given me, I suppose, a relatively unique perspective on our government, becoming almost an onlooker surrounded by other onlookers who are just as passionate about this election as many Americans are. I feel like living in Europe has made me realize just how critical other countries are of our government and how important it is that we have their support.

I was elated to find out Barack Obama will be the democratic nominee. The way I heard about it, too, was a bit random. I will occassionally get ready listening to music on the radio in the morning, even though I usually don't know the music nor do I understand the radio DJ's when they speak between songs. I happened to be listening to a Flemish radio station, tuning out, as usual, to what was being said, when all of the sudden Barack Obama's voice came on stating,"I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for the President of the United States of America." I stopped brushing my teeth midbrush, and waited with baited breath for the explanation, only to be followed with the realization that I didn't understand what the radio DJ had to say to follow. It was an occassion I knew would be very momentous, the announcement of the Democratic nominee, and there I was alone in my bathroom, toothbrush hanging out of my mouth.

Today I listened to Hilary Clinton's speech to officially resign as a democratic nominee and to also endorse Obama. I actually found myself in tears, listening to the grace and humility of this woman as she expressed her relentless support for the very man she had, until just days ago, been rivaling with. I found her speech enthralling, but what stood out to me most was this quote:

"Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward."

Couldn't be better stated. These will be a very interesting next couple months.

PS: I don't know if this will work, but here is a link where you may be able to watch the video:


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