Saturday, June 21, 2008

The End of an Era...

...was the title of my last class newsletter sent last week. Thursday officially marked my last day with my students. I am still struggling to grasp that my first year is actually over, and that I made it. And not only made it, but had the most amazing experience a first year teacher could ever hope for. Maybe it was because it was my first class...maybe it was because I don't have another class to compare them to...but I just adored my class and am going to miss them terribly, each individual personality, each sense of humor.
I have to keep this brief, as I am off to Slovenia in just a few hours, but I wanted to touch base before taking off on my last adventure. I will try to include more photos and details from my last days as a teacher at ISB in my next blog.
I am so excited for Slovenia. From what I hear, it's quite small, quite beautiful, and quite filled with lakes and mountains. All I am hoping to get out of this trip is a serene experience with which to say goodbye to Europe. Should be nice. :)


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