Things that make you go awww
1. The Little Old Woman and Her Not So Little Dog
I see a woman every morning on my route to school walking her dog. What makes this particular woman stand out from the other tens of thousands of dog owners in Brussels is that she is no more than four feet tall and owns a rottweiler that probably weighs more than she does. I'm intrigued by her height, intrigued by the disporportion of her to her dog, but mostly just happy that they have each other to keep each other company. I look forward to her wave and "Bonjour" every morning and maybe someday, when I've perfected my French (any day now), I will finally be filled in on the story of this seemingly unusual pair.
2. Fat Cat
There is a beauty salon on the route between my apartment and downtown Boitsfort (the commune in which I live). Just on the other side of the front window of the salon is a stool that has stood vacant since my arrival in August, that is until last week when I saw its occupant: a beige, cushion-sized cat. Honestly, if I were to meet it, I wouldn't know whether to pet it or to lay my head on it and use it for a pillow. I get excited walking past the salon now and peeking inside the window to glance at this animal wonder.
More to come later
I see a woman every morning on my route to school walking her dog. What makes this particular woman stand out from the other tens of thousands of dog owners in Brussels is that she is no more than four feet tall and owns a rottweiler that probably weighs more than she does. I'm intrigued by her height, intrigued by the disporportion of her to her dog, but mostly just happy that they have each other to keep each other company. I look forward to her wave and "Bonjour" every morning and maybe someday, when I've perfected my French (any day now), I will finally be filled in on the story of this seemingly unusual pair.

There is a beauty salon on the route between my apartment and downtown Boitsfort (the commune in which I live). Just on the other side of the front window of the salon is a stool that has stood vacant since my arrival in August, that is until last week when I saw its occupant: a beige, cushion-sized cat. Honestly, if I were to meet it, I wouldn't know whether to pet it or to lay my head on it and use it for a pillow. I get excited walking past the salon now and peeking inside the window to glance at this animal wonder.
More to come later
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