Bruised but not broken

Only here, in this international setting, could I ever hope to hear, "Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" "Not much." "Want to go to Switzerland?" After a spontaneous decision, I, along with 6 of my other friends living in Brussels, drove to the town of Interlaken, Switzerland last weekend to have one last winter hoorah before Spring sets in across Europe. After driving through 5 countries for almost 8 hours, we arrived late Friday evening, and spent the rest of the weekend making the most of our very short visit.
Oh, how I wish I had written this post when the memories of this last weekend were still fresh in my mind. Like running around with my tongue sticking out catching as much Swiss snow as I could. Or the feel of the wind in my face causing the tears to roll as I skiied down the Alpine Mountain of Mannlichen. Or the realization halfway down the mountain that I had no idea what I was doing, no control of what I was doing, and not enough layers on to make my multiple falls completely painless. Or, right after waking up in the morning, opening up my hotel curtains with such great flourish to see the Alps as the background to Interlaken, the city I had always pictured in my head when imagining Switzerland. I had my first fondue experience with actual
Swiss cheese, skiied down an actual MOUNTAIN (a big deal for me whose only skiiing experience has been down a few puny midwestern hills), and spent the whole day Sunday walking around the town, soaking in the sun and sights of the Alps that surrounded us. One weekend was definitely not long enough to experience a city in Switzerland, but it was just enough to make me want to go back as soon as possible (though maybe after a few more practice runs on those midwestern hills I should be reacquainted with).

For the next 5 weekends I will be in 5 different European countries-Belgium (of course), Greece, Ireland, France, and Germany. Switzerland last weekend makes 6. This, by the way, I have heard referred to as the American way to travel. I don't think that's a compliment.
I have two wonderful friends, Michelle and Lyn, coming to visit me this weekend and the Spring Break holidays coming up the week after, where I will get to travel with my family. As I wrote on my facebook profile, the month of April is sure to be the highlight of the European Extravaganza that is this year!