Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving Thanks

Yep...I think I'm going to be super cheesy and make my Thanksgiving list. I'm just in that sort of mood.
I am thankful for...

-Belgian chocolate
-Orville Redenbacher's Tenderwhite popcorn
-going to a job where I get to laugh and smile every day
-being able to see my family in one month
-an apartment that I know will be warm when I come from the coldness outside
-finding a Christmas radio station online (that I started listening to 3 days ago)
-getting an opportunity to travel across Europe
-being introduced to Bill Bryson, who I think will soon become my favorite author
-finding a choir in Brussels (our Christmas concert is in 3 weeks!)
-Caitlin's mom sending her Gray's Anatomy for us all to watch
-Google, Facebook, MySpace, MyFamily, and any other search engine that makes life easier
-friends who send me things that make me laugh and make me miss them even more
-living in a country that serves great coffee

There's lots more I'm sure. But it's late (we didn't start eating our 22 pound turkey until 11 pm this evening) and my bed (another thing I am thankful for) awaits.

Oh, and I went to Amsterdam last weekend. To sum up: lots of canals, lots of bikes, lots of red, and lots of coffeeshops. Next time I'll go when it's warmer. :)

Bon nuit.


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