Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A rainy day in Brussels town

Ah, it's good to be back! I've now been back in Brussels for 6 days and have managed to move out of my old apartment, move into my new one, do some rearranging in my new classroom, and attend hours of meetings dealing with taxes, lunch cards, and the philosophy of ISB. My To Do list continues to grow, which is expected when moving into an unfurnished apartment, but considering this is the first time I've moved into an apartment with out anything being provided, I find that more and more things I had just always taken advantage of keep jumping on my To Do list as well. Included on my list are setting up a phone line and Internet (I'm using the computer in my old apartment right now since the apartment is still being leased by the school), switching the utilities into my name, and picking up a rug and washing machine that I had purchased last year that I couldn't move without a car. My roommate, Amy, moves in Sunday, and I'm excited to see her again for many reasons, one of which is her car that she will be bringing. It will certainly make moving and shopping for our apartment exponentially easier without having to walk everything everywhere.

It feels great to be back. There is an amazing group of new hires, including 4 Luther interns (one of whom is my friend Megan who was here last year as a student teacher), who have all done loads together in these first couple weeks. I hosted the first Sunday market chicken dinner on Sunday to celebrate moving into my new apartment and the fact that I now live right behind the market. We've had an equal number of rainy days to sunny days, which is significantly better than last year when it rained for the first 17 days I was here. And tomorrow is a holiday, which means all shops and businesses will be closed (including the school) so I have no choice but to reacquaint myself with the city of Brussels by walking around and drinking coffee in cafes.

Have I mentioned that it's good to be back?


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