This last weekend I was able to visit two cities in France, Paris and Marseille. Both were completely distinct, and both felt like two different trips, so I feel it necessary to write two different blogs to detail my journey. Since my trip to Marseille was shorter, I will start with that.

I've been told that one shouldn't judge a city based on just spending several hours there, and I tried not to during my time in Marseille, but I can say with much confidence th

at I will probably not be making any more trips there in the near future. I left for Marseille from Paris on Saturday morning with a friend from back home visiting France for the weekend and his friend. We walked out of the train station directly into the slums of Marseille, where even my two male companions were scared to be out walking. Once we got into the city, it got nicer (the weather was incredible, about 80 degrees and nothing but sun sun sun). The pride of the city is its Old Port, located right on the Mediterranean Sea(into which I got to dip my feet!). I ca

n pretty much sum up the rest of my day-long trip with the following bullet points:
-My lunch was a 7 euro salad served to me in a plastic container with plastic silverwear
-The purpose of traveling to Marseille was to see a Pearl Jam concert at le Dome, which took us two hours walking to find (in flip flops and a skirt...agh...)
-The concert was the CRAZIEST thing I've ever seen. I guess I was expecting it to be wild, but this was ridiculous. I found myself in the middle of a mosh pit about 30 feet from the band, since the group I went with were die-hard fans. I ended up barely escaping and spending most of the concert watching from behind the pit of moshing.
-It took us an hour and a half to find our hotel after the concert, which we found out was booked once we got there (not by us, mind you). We called several others, and they were all either booked or out of our price range. We ended up staying up all night, driving, searching, and homeless.
-I saw my first prostitutes. Most were women; two were transvestites.
-I ate my dinner at 3 am.
-We caught the 6:30 am train back to Brussels.
There were parts of Marseille that I loved. How some of the buildings were built right into the hills. How I could smell the sea as soon as I stepped off the train. How there were friteries open at 3 am. But I think it is just one of those places I will be content with only visiting once. :)